Is it a curse or a gift of the gods?
Thirteen-year-old Asudem has a hard enough time having snakes instead of hair but now her eyes have a burning new power that turns living things into stone. She sets out across the most dangerous part of Lower Olympus to learn how she got this infuriating ability. Her best friends, Drella the Goddess of Chaos and Vanity and Pretal the Lion Goddess, join her as she battles past the most terrifying monsters of Greek mythology on her journey to find the answers. Can she discover where she fits in this world of gods and goddesses?
My Thoughts:

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Middle Grade novel
Pages 144
Published by Bedazzled Ink Publishing and their Dragonfeather book imprint
Cover Design by: Deborah Davidson
Let me start by saying that I love, love, love this amazing cover. It is vibrant and fun and stunningly beautiful. This is a story of coming to age with thirteen-year-old Asudem on a journey of self discovery. She's thirteen, her head is covered with 14 beautiful and individual snakes. Each one has their own name and personality. Her eyes burn red and can turn living objects to stone with a heated glance.
Asudem is accompanied by her friends Drella and Pretal. They are very detrimental in Asudem's quest to find her destiny. They make an equal amount of friends and enemies during this adventure and it will keep you wondering what is going to happen next.
Asudem's journey would not be as fun, adventurous, or enlightening without all the help and guidance she receives along the way. This book is a great read for those looking for a new adventure into mythology and the Gods. Very clever read.
View all my reviews
Anything that gets younger readers interested in the classic mythologies gets my vote :)
I've never heard of this book before, but I like the idea of the snakes having their own personality; usually they just come across as mindless things.
Thanks for the review! :)
Hi Regina, I read a lot of YA and MG so this book review is helpful. I had not heard of the book but it definitely sounds like one I and my nephew would enjoy. I'm always on the lookout for MG books for him.
P.S. Thank you so much for your kind comments today on my blog and over at PK's. :-)
It's an interesting way to learn about mythology. Thanks for the review.
Thanks for the review, it sounds fascinating. And you're right, that is one stunning cover.
What a great concept of the story. Medusa has shown up in countless books and movies, but who would have thought to make her a sympathetic character?
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Great review. I love that cover!
This sounds like a great MG read. I'll be checking it out. Thanks!
Nice book review.
ooh, fun! I JUST finished the Percy Jackson series, and this sounds like a great addition to my TBR list!
Thanks for sharing!
Sounds like a fun read. I like the idea of each snake having its own personality.
I'm always looking for good MG so thanks for the review!
Ha ha! What a great concept! Sounds like a lot of fun to read. Thanks for the review.
I've have to tell my son about it. This is his kind of story. Thanks for telling us about it. :D
Cool! My son loves ALL mythology-type stories, so we'll check this out! Thank you!
That cover certainly stands out. Thanks for the review.
Sounds like a good one for my 12yr old granddaughter. Thanks, I'll check it out.
That IS an awesome cover! I want to read just based on that. Great review!
What a fun reinvent of Medusa! I'm putting my MG goals to the side for now, but I'll put this on my list when I get back into it!
I like the sound of this MG novel. It will definitely go on my Xmas list :O)
I had to enlarge the cover to get a good look at it. You're right, it's pretty cool! I didn't realise until it was bigger that even the font is made of snakes :-)
Thanks for the review! Who'd have thought - an adventure from Medusa's pov? This book sounds like great fun.
Whoa, I've heard a lot of YA stories but this one is different, snakes ala Medusa? Thanks for the heads-up? ;-)
Sounds like a good read! Thanks, Regina!
Wow. This sounds like a good book to read--my kids would love this. Thanks for the review and bringing this book to my attention.
Thanks for sharing, Regina. Looks like a fun book.
Nice review. Looks like a fun read!
I love anything mythological, so I need to add this to my list!
Hi Regina,
Thanks for posting this review, it sounds interesting! But my skin crawls at the mention of snakes and snakes for hair....wah..will I read it?
Yes, great cover! Greek-themed MG books are always needed to fit in with curriculum. This one looks like a fun read.
Sounds like a fun read. And I agree with you. The cover is beautiful.
What a cool premise! Medusa as a kid. Love it!
Nice review.
Just stopping by to say, Hi. Hi!
I've enjoyed Percy Jackson so I think since this novel has Greek mythology, I'm curious and I'd like to include this book on my TBR list :)
Nice review Regina! I agree, that cover rocks.
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