Thought of the moment....

No matter how hard you try, you will NEVER control anyone else's attitudes, actions, or outcomes. The only person that you have the ability to directly impact is you, and it is your responsibility to learn how to do just utilize the knowledge, skills, and abilities you have been given to impact the world in the most positive way that you can EVERY chance you get!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Weekly Chapter Challenge Update # 3

Things seem to be moving along swiftly now. My story is flowing now with a little more fervor then it had in the past and I am grateful as ever for all of the input that my WCC partner Trisha Leaver gives me every week.

She has been ever so patient with me when life hits and if you have read here, you see it happens here often.  Life is my everlasting tornado sometimes leaving a path of destruction and sometimes bringing me beautiful things as well. I am patient and I am glad that there are others that work well with me.

I still struggle sometimes with shut down making it hard to focus on the task at hand which is the MS I am working on during the WCC, but I also have several WIPs and thoughts that plague my mind and lead me astray.

At least I can say that with the storylines that my mind creates, I will be able to be a part of the WCC for quite some time and will be able to recommend it to everyone that I know for many, many months to come. I am still enjoying the exchange and give props to my partner for such a wonderful MS she is creating and making my heart weep at times.

Being part of the group in WCC and in Writer’s Digest is like being part of a family. I like belonging to a family of people who thinks a lot like I do. I love all the criticism and support that comes with this family. So if you are not already a part of this family…my family, come join me.


Miranda Hardy said...

I am enjoying the weekly chapter challenge as well. It has really motivated me.

Kathryn Rose said...

It really is so awesome to follow the posts of the people participating and seeing their progress. I'm constantly amazed and inspired. I keep telling everyone, it's a great way to stay accountable too. Keeps me writing and writing hard!

PK HREZO said...

How right you are! It's so awesome having such amazing support from like minded people around the country (and world.)
I feel so fortunate to hav met all of the WCC gang!

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