Since I just wrote about my favorite month being OCTOBER, I have to tell you about my favorite holiday…*drum roll* Yeah, I know I already told you in the last post it was Halloween, but I was just checking to see who was really paying attention.
Yes, I love Halloween. I love to decorate with all the stringy cobwebs, ghoulish décor and scary music. I have more Halloween decorations than Christmas decorations…go figure. I love every aspect of it. I don’t scare easily and love the horror films, terrifying books, ghost rallies and tractor rides.
My daughter’s birthday is in late October and every year since she was little we always had a huge Halloween themed party to celebrate…bobbing for apples, flashlight tag with the occasional scary man in the woods (hubby) coming after you and the occasional friendly cop coming out and flashing his lights upon the horrifying set up. Lol
Ok, ok, it was never the ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’, but boy would I love for it to be. Now the kids are older, 17, 15, 15, 13 and 6. Now the 6 year old won’t be able to participate in most of the gore if I turn the barn into a bloody nightmare, but the older ones can. (Yes, in case some of you don’t know me…I have a dark side. She can be very dark and evil. But for all intents and purposes I try to keep her locked away for everyone’s safety.)
I’ve never had adult Halloween parties because I just haven’t had time; I focus all of it on the kids. I have thought about it several times and have talked about it to the hubs. But Halloween if for the kids…for now.
So tell me what is your favorite holiday...Christmas, Easter, St. Patty's Day or Valentines?
So tell me what is your favorite holiday...Christmas, Easter, St. Patty's Day or Valentines?
My kids love Halloween too... I mean LOVE it. I think my son is a future Goth kid... LOL. He's so into that stuff.
Thanksgiving is my fave holiday. This year my bday falls on the same day. And I love the family/food/festivities during the day... and then at night getting all the Xmas stuff out and watching the first Xmas movie of the season. We're Xmas geeks in my house. :p
I am a Thanksgiving girl. Something about the smell of the roasting turkey and changing leaves just makes me feel at peace.
Halloween is a biggee in our house, and seeing as it's the Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend, we're gearing up for fall in a big way. Number two has to be Christmas, of course (and no, I don't do holly berry carvings).
I like Halloween. But I like Thanksgiving and Christmas, too. Oh, and don't forget Valentine's Day. And my goodness, the Fourth of July is always spectacular!
What can I say? I like them all.
I did go to a outdoor wedding at Halloween once that was awesome. The groom was Irish so he and the groomsmen dressed in kilts while the bridesmaids wore medieval dresses. Many of us guests dressed up, too, in medieval attire. There were bagpipes and a priest in a long cloak thingie...
Great time was had by all!
I do love Halloween, but I think Christmas is my favourite. I love giving gifts, baking, the smells of cinnamony candles, and I love love love decorating my house while listening to Christmas carols. I have a few movies I have to watch every year, too, and it's the one time of year I see most of my family. On a side note, it's Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend, so Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canucks!
I'm with Trisha - I'm all about Thanksgiving. It's actually celebrated this weekend in Canada, and growing up, it's peaceful, the leaves are changing, there's family around, and no Macy's telling you to start shopping for Christmas!
Chrstmas, without a doubt.
The baking, the food, the family and friends, the parties, the dress-up times, the awesome CD's of music we pull out from the cupboard once a year, the decorations, the presents...all of it!
Now you've got me counting the days :)
Christi Corbett
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