Thought of the moment....

No matter how hard you try, you will NEVER control anyone else's attitudes, actions, or outcomes. The only person that you have the ability to directly impact is you, and it is your responsibility to learn how to do just utilize the knowledge, skills, and abilities you have been given to impact the world in the most positive way that you can EVERY chance you get!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Praise and Advice

So…this is my first year in trying NaNoWriMo. I have watched many of you either pound through it or struggle at times, but I have always thought you to be the boldest, bravest people I know. I salute you and now, you have forced me to put on my big girl panties and deal with it.

Thankfully I have not totally stalled yet on this project. I know we are only a few days in, but sometimes finding the time to write is not always ideal. I squeeze what I can in when the moments present themselves but those are few and far between.

I have gained knowledge and strength in reading and watching you (my peers) through your different life stories and processes to get a handle on all the things that you multi-task in your lives. I am grateful for the life I have and the people in it.

If it weren’t for those people, then I would have drowned by now. Among you are some really great life preservers and I am thrilled to be part of your community. So I pose this question to you about writing.

Do you give them what they want, or do you give them what they need?

I guess that I want to know if you follow the trends that people are eating up right now or are you giving them something off the chart to mix it up a bit? I am always involved in so many projects at home that I don’t know which way is up, so I have a little bit of everything.

Also, since this is my first NaNoWriMo year, does anyone have any advice or suggestions? What has been the most beneficial for you during this process?


Cherie Reich said...

Yay for your first NaNoWriMo! How exciting!

I'm on my third and decided to mix things up and do two novels. Yes, I'm in full-out panic mode now, but it's good. I'm still on target for my goals. *laughs*

Sage advice I heard on writing was to write first for yourself, then edit for others. Write the book you want to read.

NaNoWriMo advice: Get ahead where you can. It's okay if you have some days where you can't write if you try to stay a little bit ahead of the word count when you can. For me, it also helps to know where I'm going the next day. I can think about the scenes I want to write next, so when I get to them, I can sit down and write. Also, if you fall behind, it's okay. Really. It is. It's for fun. :)

Good luck!

Cathy said...

Good luck on NaNo. I don't presume to know what people need, so I give them what they want ... not talking about vampires or zombies, but rather in a YA romance, I give the girl a great boyfriend who adores her ... stuff like that.

Cheryl B. Dale said...

Never participated in Nano but think it's a great way to get that first draft down! Good luck!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Best of luck to you with all your nano goals. I've never done it as it seems like way too much stress with all that is going on in the month of November.

Shelly said...

I haven't braved the NaNo yet. Good for you, though.

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